Note, with the way the properties are compared using three equal signs === there is no need to do a separate verification that the property of each object is of the same variable type. The === is only true if the variable type is the same without any coercion.
If you wanted to check every property of the two objects then you would need a little more code to iterate through the properties of one object with the properties of another object. I set that up, but alas didn't write it as a generic function to share.
function hasMatchingProperty ( o1 , o2 , pn ) {
//-- H A S M A T C H I N G P R O P E R T Y
//-- Generic: Yes! should work for any ECMA 2.62 based language including
//-- JavaScript and ExtendScript
//-- Purpose: To determing if two objects possess the same property and the
//-- value of that property is an exact match with now cooresion. If
//-- neither has that property then the result is also true -- the value
//-- matches for each object
//-- Arguments:
//-- o1: The first object
//-- o2: The second object
//-- pn: The string name of the property
//-- Calls: Nothing.
//-- Returns: a Boolean true if the objects have matching properties, else
//-- false
//-- Sample Use:
//~ var a = hasMatchingProperty ( {A:"z", C:0, E:false} , {B:"Y", C:0, E:0} , 'A' ) ;//=false
//~ var b = hasMatchingProperty ( {A:"z", C:0, E:false} , {B:"Y", C:0, E:0} , 'B' ) ;//=false
//~ var c = hasMatchingProperty ( {A:"z", C:0, E:false} , {B:"Y", C:0, E:0} , 'C' ) ;//=true
//~ var d = hasMatchingProperty ( {A:"z", C:0, E:false} , {B:"Y", C:0, E:0} , 'D' ) ;//=true
//~ var e = hasMatchingProperty ( {A:"z", C:0, E:false} , {B:"Y", C:0, E:0} , 'E' ) ;//=false
//-- Notes: for a match with cooresion change the === to ==
//-- Written: 2010.01.27 by Jon S. Winters of electronic publishing support
//-- eps@electronicpublishingsupport.com
//-- Check to see if both Have the Property And Both of the Property
//-- Values Exactly Match without coorersion
if ( ( o1.hasOwnProperty( pn ) == o2.hasOwnProperty ( pn ) ) && ( o1[ pn ] === o2[ pn ] ) ) {
return true ;
//-- Check to see if both are missing the property
if ( ( ! o1.hasOwnProperty( pn ) ) && ( ! o2.hasOwnProperty( pn ) ) ) {
return true ;
//-- No matching
return false ;
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