
Ordinal Numbers

Below are two similar techniques for generating ordinal numbers such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, from simple integers such as 1, 2, 3 respectively. I needed this for a fairly complex user interface where I wanted to setup a tool tip that said 'Select 1st choice:', 'Select 2nd choice', etc.
Below are both a method and a function. You only need one, not both. All that differs is how you call them. The documentation in both show the differences in sample uses.

Number.prototype.ordinal = function () {
//-- O R D I N A L
//-- Generic: Yes, for ECMAScript, ExtendScript, and JavaScript
//-- Purpose: To take a number and return a string with that number
//-- converted to an ordinal number. Thus 1 becomes 1st. 2 becomes 2nd.
//-- 3 becomes 3rd. 12 becomes 12th.
//-- Arguments: none, this is a method.
//-- Calls: Nothing.
//-- Returns: a string with an ordinal version of the number unless the
//-- original number is not deemed to be an integer.
//-- Sample Uses:
//-- Number(13).ordinal() ;
//-- for ( i = 0 ; 100 >= i ; i++ ) {
//-- $.writeln( i.ordinal() );
//-- }
//-- Notes: Tested for 0 through 200.
//-- Modified: 2009.09.07 by Jon S. Winters of electronic publishing support
//-- original, undocumented concept un acknowledged but listed at:
//-- "http://querylog.com/q/javascript+string+ordinal"
//-- eps@electronicpublishingsupport.com
//-- For additional information on cardinal numbers, check out:
//-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_numbers_in_English#Ordinal_numbers

//-- Start by varifying that the orginal is an integer
var asInt = parseInt ( this ) ;
if ( isNaN ( asInt ) ) { return this ; }
//-- Make a string version of the text to allow regular expression
//-- matching for the numbers.
var asString = this.toString();
//-- Do a series of if statements to concatinate the appropriate
//-- suffix to the number. All 1, 2, 3 except for 11, 12, 13
//-- have common suffixs. All others are th's.
//-- Check for items ending with 1 except for 11 and add st
if ( asInt == 1 || asString.match( new RegExp ( '[^1]1$' ) ) ) return asInt + 'st' ;
//-- Check for items ending with 2 except for 12 and add nd
if ( asInt == 2 || asString.match( new RegExp ( '[^1]2$' ) ) ) return asInt + 'nd' ;
//-- Check for items ending with 3 except for 13 and add rd
if ( asInt == 3 || asString.match( new RegExp ( '[^1]3$' ) ) ) return asInt + 'rd' ;
//-- All but these end with th. This includes 0.
return asInt + 'th';
function ordinal ( value ) {
//-- O R D I N A L
//-- Generic: Yes, for ECMAScript, ExtendScript, and JavaScript
//-- Purpose: To take a number and return a string with that number
//-- converted to an ordinal number. Thus 1 becomes 1st. 2 becomes 2nd.
//-- 3 becomes 3rd. 12 becomes 12th.
//-- Arguments: one, the numberical value. This should be an integer.
//-- Calls: Nothing.
//-- Returns: a string with an ordinal version of the number unless the
//-- original number is not deemed to be an integer.
//-- Sample Use: ordinal(13)
//-- Notes: Tested for 0 through 200.
//-- Modified: 2009.09.07 by Jon S. Winters of electronic publishing support
//-- original, undocumented concept un acknowledged but listed at:
//-- "http://querylog.com/q/javascript+string+ordinal"
//-- eps@electronicpublishingsupport.com
//-- For additional information on cardinal numbers, check out:
//-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_numbers_in_English#Ordinal_numbers

//-- Start by varifying that the orginal is an integer
//-- return the original value if it is not
var asInt = parseInt ( value ) ;
if ( isNaN ( asInt ) ) { return value ; }
//-- Make a string version of the text to allow regular expression
//-- matching for the numbers.
var asString = value.toString();
//-- Do a series of if statements to concatinate the appropriate
//-- suffix to the number. All 1, 2, 3 except for 11, 12, 13
//-- have common suffixs. All others are th's.
//-- Check for items ending with 1 except for 11 and add st
if ( asInt == 1 || asString.match( new RegExp ( '[^1]1$' ) ) ) return asInt + 'st' ;
//-- Check for items ending with 2 except for 12 and add nd
if ( asInt == 2 || asString.match( new RegExp ( '[^1]2$' ) ) ) return asInt + 'nd' ;
//-- Check for items ending with 3 except for 13 and add rd
if ( asInt == 3 || asString.match( new RegExp ( '[^1]3$' ) ) ) return asInt + 'rd' ;
//-- All but these end with th. This includes 0.
return asInt + 'th';


  1. There is a very cool example which uses an even shorter version of this function which can be applied to one number or a string full of numbers on Chris West's blog. I found it here:

  2. I was always in search of such useful information, thank you for providing.


  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    This was driving me nutz, parsing was exactly what is needed to do.
