The code snippet looks like this...
//-- Limit which pages to print if the method details indicates to
if ( limitOutputToSpecificPages ) {
var arrayToCheck = app.documents[0].pages.everyItem().name ;
var prmt = 'Pages:' ;
var pagesToOutput = selectListOptions( arrayToCheck , prmt , true )
//-- Determine how to handle the naming of the extra pages
//-- Loop through the pages
for (var pgIndex = numPages - 1 ; pgIndex >= 0 ; pgIndex-- ) {
//-- Deny output of pages if the user didn't check to output them
if ( limitOutputToSpecificPages && ( ! pagesToOutput[pgIndex] ) ) {
continue ;
}// end of for loop
Of course that snippet leaves out a lot of details, but basically if a value (limitOutputToSpecificPages) says to limit to specific pages, use a function (below) to display a dialog of page numbers with check boxes. The function (below) returns an array of true or false values.
And if the value is false, then skip the rest of the inner part of the for loop (the continue causes teh for loop to not finish, but to go back and check for the end point and increment the loop index)
function selectArrayElementsViaCheckboxes(lst,prmt,dflt,colLimit) {
//-- S E L E C T A R R A Y E L E M E N T S V I A C H E C L B
//-- Generic: Yes! Should work with all current versions of Adobe
//-- that support custom dialog boxes.
//-- Purpose: Displays a dialog with a series of checkboxes with
//-- choices passed into 'lst'.
//-- Parameters: 4
//-- lst: The array whose contents will be displayed to the user
//-- prmt: A string to be used as a prompt
//-- dflt: (optional) A boolean indicating if ALL the checkboxes
//-- should initially be selected (checked) or deselected
//-- (unchecked). _ALL_!
//-- colLimit: (optional) The maximum number of entries to place
//-- in any one column.
//-- Returns: an array the the same length of the of chosen items. If
//-- items are selected as a result of the checkbox items being
//-- checked, the array will be set to true, else false.
//-- If the user cancels the dialog, then the returned array is []
//-- Calls: Nothing.
//-- Sample Use:
//-- var sampleArray = ['extreme', 'fantastic', 'great',
'monstrous', 'monumental', 'prodigious', 'stupendous', 'tremendous']
//-- var chosenItems = selectArrayElementsViaCheckboxes
( sampleArray , 'Select the desired words:' , true , 4 )
//-- for ( i = 0 ; i < chosenItems.length ; i++ ) {
//-- if ( chosenItems[i] ) {
//-- $.writeln('User selected: ' + sampleArray[i] ) ;
//-- }
//-- }
//-- Written by Jon S. Winters on 2008.12.24
//-- Edited: 2009.07.13 onboard flight to Charlotee, NC
//-- Force Adobe InDesign to display dialogs. Without the
//-- line below the dilaog may not appear on some systems.
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel =
UserInteractionLevels.INTERACT_WITH_ALL ;
//-- Assign a default default choice if one isn't passed;
//-- This should either be true or false
dflt = ( dflt == undefined ) ? true : Boolean ( dflt ) ;
//-- Verify that there is a limit to the number of items in a column.
if ( ! colLimit ) { colLimit = 10 ; }
//-- create a new array of user responses to return
var userChoices = new Array () ;
var listDialog = app.dialogs.add({canCancel:true}) ;
var buttons = new Array () ;
with (listDialog) {
with (dialogColumns.add()) {
with ( borderPanels.add() ) {
with ( dialogColumns.add() ) {
with (dialogRows.add()) {
//-- loop thorugh the passed list and create the checkbox as
well as the array to return
for ( var listIndex = 0 ; listIndex < lst.length ; listIndex++ ) {
if ( listIndex % colLimit == 0 ) {
var Col = dialogColumns.add();
with ( Col ) {
userChoices[listIndex] =
( checkboxControls
.add({staticLabel:String(lst[listIndex]),checkedState:dflt})) ;
//-- Show the dialog
var listResult = ;
if ( listResult ) {
var returnArray = new Array () ;
//-- loop the result and rebuild the results
for ( var listIndex = 0 ; listIndex < lst.length ; listIndex++ ) {
returnArray.push ( userChoices[listIndex].checkedState ) ;
//-- return the selected list index unless they
return returnArray ;
else {
//-- User clicked Cancel -- return an empty array
return [] ;
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