
Time Stamp

This is a basic function to produce a consistent length time stamp within a script. This produces a time stamp in the format of:
yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss.mss
The function was built to be included in a log routine, so it is very bare bones.

function getTimeStamp () {
//-- G E T T I M E S T A M P
//-- Generic: Yes
//-- Purpose: To create a time stamp string in the format of:
//-- yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.mss
//-- 2009/06/13 01:23:45.678
//-- Paremeters: none
//-- Calls:
//-- PadWithZeros: Internal function to pad with zeros
//-- Sample call:
//-- var ts = getTimeStamp() ;
//-- Returns: A string of the current time as yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss.mss
//-- Written 2009.09.20 by Jon S. Winters
//-- eps@electronicpublishingsupport.com
//-- Use the Date object to grab the time right now
var now = new Date() ;
//-- Construct the full string
return (now.getFullYear() ) + "." +
PadWithZeros( now.getMonth() + 1 , 2 ) + "." +
PadWithZeros( now.getDate() , 2 ) + " " +
PadWithZeros( now.getHours() , 2 ) + ":" +
PadWithZeros( now.getMinutes() , 2 ) + ":" +
PadWithZeros( now.getSeconds() , 2 ) + "." +
PadWithZeros( now.getMilliseconds() , 3 ) ;
//-- End of main body.
//-- Next is internal function
function PadWithZeros( value , digits ) {
//-- P A D W I T H Z E R O S
//-- Generic: Yes.
//-- Purpose: To pad a number with zeros.
//-- Parameters: 2
//-- value: the number to pad
//-- digits: How many total digits should the number become
//-- Returns: A string version of the number padded to the number of
//-- digits specified. If the value is already that number of
//-- digits or longer, the value is returned.
//-- Calls: Nothing
//-- Written: 2009.09.20 by Jon S. Winters
//-- Change the number into a string
var paddedString = String ( value ) ;
//-- Check the length of the string. And continue adding zeros to the
//-- front until the desired number of digits is reached.
while( digits > paddedString.length ) {
paddedString = '0' + paddedString ;
return paddedString ;
//-- end of internal function

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