
Listing Paragraph Styles

I'm at a site this week that currently has 947 Paragraph Styles. I needed a list of them. Here is an ExtendScript to list them into a selected text frame in an Adobe InDesign page. This was a quick hack, so no verbose comments.
Note the two different ways of referencing the document. The first method uses a function posted here. Delete that line if you don't want to use it (no real need in this case).

Oh, and here with the 900+ Paragraph Styles, we had to add 7 more broadsheet pages to show the styles.

try {
//see if there is a parentStory. If so, then fill it with the names of the styles
//-- The next line errors if there isn't a proper selection
var storyRef = app.selection[0].parentStory.textContainers[0].parentStory ;

//-- Get a valid reference to the document holding the story
var docRef = returnDocumentReference ( storyRef ) ;
//OR use
var docRef = app.documents[0];

//-- Call the function to add the styles.
listParagraphStyles ( storyRef , docRef )
catch (err) {
//-- The next line quits the script.
exit() ;
function listParagraphStyles ( storyRef , docRef ) {

//-- Clear the contents of the the frame
storyRef.contents = '\r' ;

//-- Get an array of all the Paragraph Styles
var allPS = docRef.allParagraphStyles ;
var numPS = allPS.length ;

//-- Loop through the styles adding the name of the style and applying that style to the story
for ( var pIndex = 0 ; pIndex < numPS ; pIndex++ ) {
storyRef.paragraphs[pIndex].contents = allPS[pIndex].name + '\r ' ; //note the space after the return
//-- Remove the next line if you don't want to see the style name formatted with that
Paragraph Style.
storyRef.paragraphs[pIndex].appliedParagraphStyle = allPS[pIndex] ;

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